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Finding the Root Cause w/ Margaret Floyd Barry

Mandatory Covid Vaccine?

Health Freedom w/ Alec Zeck

The Nurse's Guide to Vaccines

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I'm a nurse turned nutritionist. Come join me on the journey of natural health and intentional living. 

Order supplements through my Fullscript store.

Hey There

I'm Becca

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I remember the first time I saw him, tall, dark, and handsome. Bonus – he knew how to make a great cup of coffee because he worked at the coffee cart in the hall right outside of the library. Brad, I found out his name from a classmate. I’m pretty sure she knew why I […]

What Your Semen Analysis isn’t Telling About Your Male Infertility




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Finding the Root Cause w/ Margaret Floyd Barry

Mandatory Covid Vaccine?

Health Freedom w/ Alec Zeck

The Nurse's Guide to Vaccines

podcast episodes

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tune into the show on apple podcasts!

I'm a nurse turned nutritionist. Come join me on the journey of natural health and intentional living. 

Order supplements through my Fullscript store.

Hey There

I'm Becca